Every little thing they do is… magic.
Or at least, it seems that way.
Some people just seem to be so naturally influential. They go through life without a care in the world, having fun and living free and easy.
It’s almost as if they lead a charmed existence, or the gods – or at least a fairy godmother – had blessed them. Everything they do is magic, and everyone they meet falls all over themselves to do them a favor or be their friend.
It’s easy to see folks like that and think you could never have those sorts of interactions.
But… wouldn’t it be fun?!?! Even if only a couple of instances?
You should be so lucky.
It is easy to be cynical or envious when you see someone like that.
But they were blessed or have that special knack. Or maybe it’s their good looks, stylish clothes, family connections, breeding, or an insanely expensive watch or car.
If you had even 10% of the charm, influence, and connection, you’d have a romance worth singing about, a job to be proud of, and friends who always adored you.
It’s all about – others.
It’s true – in almost everything you do – at some level or other – you need people. In your personal life, it’s lovers, partners, friends, parents, children.
When you go out to eat, people prepare your food and serve you. In the office, bosses are people (no, I can’t actually prove that), and so are customers, the folks you manage, and all the other departments.
Shocking revelations here.
The point is this: interpersonal skills are vital.
If they don’t improve every part of your life, they certainly don’t make things worse.
And with human interactions making up all the critical interactions in every part of your life, even a slight improvement in the quality of those same interactions could be a game-changer for your quality of life and happiness.
Sure, some relationships fall apart because of a single thoughtless action or heated argument. But in most cases, things were “broken” long before they got “heated.” It’s typically the more of a “straw that broke the camel’s back situation” than one wrong word.
What If?
What if your relationships were just slightly better?
What if – a dozen times a day – you were just a little more interesting, more thoughtful, more persuasive? Sometimes, it’s easy to overlook how big a difference (even in things already working) a few small changes can make.
Likewise, if lots of small changes would be life-changing, then a system to revolutionize every interaction would launch you to a place of stratospheric success and happiness.
A Dying Art?
Pundits have been complaining for years about the tenuous and slipping grasp of people everywhere on the social skills that build relationships, communities, and society.
And while not everyone agrees that texting and email will necessarily be the death of society, it’s pretty plain to see the ebb of social skills in a pandemic that forces us to practice social distancing. Common interactions are out of practice. Yet the stakes of those interactions are all the higher.
Now, not only are social skills more needed than ever before, but the chance to stand out and get ahead by boosting your skills is far easier.
Speaking of making things easy –
That’s why I’ve partnered with the team at Your Charisma Coach (YCC) to put you in touch with the best source of training at any level of the social skills game.
Certainly, you can learn a few fascinating new skills on your own time with the Applied Charisma Training (ACT) course – skills that could save your relationship, get you a raise, or a discount on something you are in the market for.
But that’s not all.
For those either really concerned about the state of their skills or are really excited to see how much more influential they can be in their lives, YCC also runs weekend and week-long in-person training “Bootcamps” (they are way more fun than that word sounds).
They can even send a coach out to be with you – live, in the field – while you face those special situations and contexts in which you’re least confident – not just a theoretical (or “Do as I say”) training group.
Stop walking on eggshells! Discover your inner magic!
Find your voice! And fine-tune it – in whatever part of your life where you need it most.
Or call me now at (206) 339-3439 to see what makes the most sense for your particular situation.
Learn how to conjure your inner charisma!